What to Consider if You Receive the Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments

The first payment of the Child Tax Credit started hitting bank accounts on July 15 and will continue every month for the rest of 2021. 

Knowing When to Update Your Estate Plan

From the family tea set to the most complex estate, transferring wealth – of whatever size and definition – couldn’t be more common. What’s less common but just as important is outlining a specific plan and updating it as circumstances change.

Child Life Insurance

Becoming a parent is something most couples look forward to, everyone wants their kids to live long and healthy lives. Which is why child life insurance is not usually a priority. However, it is worth considering, as it can lock in low rates.

How to Fit the Kids’ College into Your Financial Plan

There is a strong premium on earning a college degree, perhaps driven by previous generations who witnessed the power of education. But you may find yourself receiving a student loan bill every month, even now as you contemplate sending your kids to college. Though an education continues to …

Work hard, Play Harder

You are done with college and working in your potential forever career. What are you saving up for… is it a new house, a new car, a new golf cart, a wedding, a baby on the way? Now is the time to start budgeting for your future.

Traditional or Roth – Which IRA Works for You?

Many of us all but ignore our retirement accounts for much of our working lives. We look at a pay stub and have a vague sense of the “minuses:” Social Security, insurance, taxes. But the IRA is one of the most powerful retirement savings tools available to us, and so it warrants our attention. 

Rebate Checks, Child Tax Credits, Unemployment Benefits and More: What You Need to Know about the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Package

The latest stimulus package – signed into law Thursday by the Biden Administration – is built to boost the middle class and low-income Americans, the goal being of course to speed up economic recovery.

4 Documents You Need to put in place NOW to help you prepare for Retirement

Preparing these documents will help make difficult decisions easier on yourself and your heirs. Documents and directives have become a part of modern life. You might have documents proving you own your house, showing the terms of your mortgage and detailing the agreement for your credit car …

What to Expect From Low Volatility Investing: Insight into QBI Strategies

During the past decade, ending December 2019, low volatility investing has been embraced by many investors due to above average adjusted performance. With the turn of events, the year 2020 witnessed a negative surprise for low volatility stocks. This surprise further intensified when value …

How to Finish Strong this Tax Planning Season

Like gardening or working out, tax planning is one of those activities where you get out of it what you put into it. Plenty of us have a weight bench gathering dust in the garage that hasn’t gotten us into any better shape, or a plot in the backyard that just won’t grow anything because …

Financial Items to Consider After the Passing of Your Spouse

The loss of a spouse can be one of the most devastating events in your life. You are often overwhelmed and faced with several financial tasks that require immediate attention. These financial tasks can be very stressful especially if you did not play an active role in your finances.

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