By: Alison Martinson, Client Service Associate
The Christmas season is upon us! This year the Christmas season and holiday shopping look is very different for a lot of us. One of the best pieces of advice I have been given over the years to simplify gift giving by purchasing 4 primary items for each child in your household. This allows your kids to be involved in the gift giving process. Ask them what they actually want?
The 4 categories include something they:
This category includes an item that your child will really enjoy and use or has added to a Christmas list or a special purchase that has been talked about for months like an iPAD or big-ticket item.
Most often the NEED isn’t something that your child is excited about, but essential to their everyday. Which usually includes an item for school- especially this year with distance learning! Or it could also include items that allow them to be better organized.
Purchasing an item for your child to wear at Christmas gives them some time to decide what they really need following the start of school and to consider each child’s sense of style.
The most important category for our family! Reading is a lifelong skill that should be fostered whenever possible. If choosing a book isn’t an option a gift card to a bookstore and a coupon for a “book date” is always a great alternative.
Want, Need, Wear, and Read will hopefully mean less chaos and more mindful gift giving this season. Even with less gifts around the tree, your child/ren will be even more delighted when Christmas morning arrives, and they can open gifts. As parents teaching your child/ren that the most important part of the Christmas season is spending time with family and the joy of giving to others is so important!
This year has brought many challenges for all of us with distance learning, working from home, and quarantine time with family. I hope this suggestion to simplify gift giving this Christmas season allows for extra time with family and less stress! May your Christmas season be filled with magical moments and time for reflection on 2020 as we move into the New Year.